Sunday, 5 December 2010


Aswell as the poster, the card and folder, I want to have some t-shirts that people could purchase from the exhibition, I have designed two per person, using the logo and a line from one of there songs,
which is also taken from one of the posters I designed, so all that experimentation has come in very handy, getting use out of most of the designs.

I feel the white works really well, all the colours go well on the white background, Personally I reckon it will be the white I will be using, as it is also the simplest to do in such a short amount of time, and getting hold of 10+ tee's.

Black, The colours work really well, apart from the purple, is I was to use the black, I think I would have to edit the purple, cause its abit dark on a dark background, so we will have to see how that goes.

Grey, I feel the work, but just not aswell as the white and black. White is a personal favourite so far. But there is always more room for messing about.
Only Fault! They look like super hero t-shirts.
Cause I nominated a colour to each member of the club, i though I would put together some t-shirts, tops being there colour with a white logo layed over the top. Also done black on white & white on black. I personally really like them, and would like to see how they come out.

I took kindly to the black & white t-shirts so I decided to quickly put together some designs using just the numbers from the logo, minus the the circle. Work well, but not as well, personal reference.

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